Runescape NEWS & EVENTS

A major stylistic difference in Return to Canifis over Betrayal
A major stylistic difference in Return to Canifis over Betrayal at Falador is also one of the main reasons for the new books draw. The darker setting helps, as it adds an ominous sense of conflict to ..
Runescape: Return to Canifis Book Review
RuneScape widens its world yet again with the second novel based on the free to play MMORPG, titled Return to Canifis. For those familiar with the world, Canifis is one of the members-only areas, a da..
Runescape – How to Make Money Fast
Money is an important resource in Runescape and there have been many guides dealing with how to make money in Runescape. It is true that there are various ways available for making money in Runescape ..
Runescape Easy Money Making
Well, there isnt one but various ways of money making in Runescape and most of them are limited to either members or players with high levels. Finding some good and easy ways to make money in Runescap..
How to Make Money in Runescape
Runescape, the MMORPGA cult game spanning a decade of fans and gamers, Runescape is a massively multiplayer online role playing game which was unleashed on the world in 2001. A pretty simple game in t..
High-level Herblore Potions - Is it worth it?
High-Level Herblore potions recently came out on October 7th. What this means is that once you hit 85 Herblore you get the ability to make Super-Antifire potions (Super Prayer at level 94), and at lev..
Runescape News - New Novel Coming Friday
Jagex Games Studio has announced the release date for the second tie-in novel based on Runescape. Called RuneScape(runescape gold): Betrayal at Falador, Return to Canifis, the novel takes off where th..
Runescape News - April Plans
The Runescape site has been updated with information about what players can expect as April rolls out. New guild support, a reworked death mechanic, an Easter event and a royal wedding(runescape gold)..
Runescape Overview and Recent Content
RuneScape is a modern classic fantasy MMORPG, having been around in some form since 2001. The game takes place in the divided land of Gielinor. Players choose their class and advance through quests an..
Runescape News - Community Newsletter Out Now!
Each month the Community Management team puts together a newsletter called the Gielinor Globe. It highlights some of the dynamic goings-on in our RuneScape player community(runescape gold).Aprils edit..
Runescape News - Behind the Scenes-April 2
(ContinuedRunescape News - Behind the ScenesApril 1)Holly and Hawthorn (Easter 2011)(runescape gold)This years Easter holiday event sees the official changing of the seasons, as the Queen of Snow hand..
Runescape News - Behind the Scenes–April 1
All joking aside, April is a month of joy, be that dreamily toiling on a magical lunar farm, official support for RuneScape clans, celebrating life with a revised death mechanic, seeing in spring with..
Fast 1-99 Thieving Guide in Runescape
Dear friends, nice to see you. Our aim is to make you happy with a more excited life in the Runescape. By the way, we have collected the mainly information on other site. This is my very quick guide t..
Adventurer's Log system in Runescape
Welcome to Runescape This topic is main about adverturers Log system in Runescape. Hope it can drive your attention.As a lot of you have already noticed, we have launched a preview of the new Adventur..
Thieving Leveling Guide In Runescape
Hello there, and I will to write a thieving guide to 99 in Runescape. Many people Now a days think that thieving is really a skill that takes forever to get. Well Im here to tell you the ways that you..
Runescape Cooking Guide
Welcome to Runescape. Ive made this thread to share some methods of getting 99 cooking for you.if you are interested in it .just look through.Hopefully the article can help you. I believe you will lea..
Runescape:Mining Guide
This is a leveling mining guide.If you have just started playing RuneScape or are leveling mining, then this is the portion you should read.Hope the guide is useful for you.If you are very dedicated, ..
Runescape guide to smithing
For Runescape players,here is a 99 Smithing guide for you.If you are interested in it.just look through.Hope the article is useful for you. I believe you will learn something from it.1.0 - Introductio..
Arrest Meets the Man for Virtual Theft in RuneScape
TimesOnline is reporting that British police have arrested a 23-year-old man accused of stealing virtual characters and goods from players of RuneScape.It is believed he obtained the log in informatio..
RuneScape Latest Updates: Potions, Spells and Runes B
With those updates, youre going to need some more runes, so, to top it all off, Runecrafting also gets a tweak. As of today, crafting multiple runes out of one essence has changed for the better. Befo..
RuneScape Latest Updates: Potions, Spells and Runes A
Weve taken a careful look at the extreme Herblore potions we released a few weeks ago and have now reintroduced them to safe PvP minigames that includes Castle Wars, Soul Wars, safe Clan Wars, TzHaar..
Runescape and Runescape HD 3
I really enjoy doing quests on this game... its not like go there, go there then *poff* quest complete. All quest have some kind of connection to the other quest, and its not like kill 200 rats or bri..
Runescape and Runescape HD 2
The following combat skills are:-Attack (Make you hit your enemies more often)-Strength (Makes you stronger and hit harder)-Defense (increase your defense)-Summoning (whit this skill you can summon a ..
Runescape and Runescape HD 1
I know that many of you guys play or have been playing Runescape before, so i want to tell you who havent tried out Runescape yet to do it.Runescape is one of my favorite MMO game ever, it brings you ..
RuneScape introduces largest update in game's history
Hot on the heels of some pretty nice financial news for Jagex and comes some good news for RuneScape players: new content.Not just any new content, either. Jagex is calling the Dungeons of Daemonheim ..
Jagex announces first ever RuneFest for RuneScape players
When it comes to free-to-play MMOs, many of the newer generation of gamers cut their teeth in Jagexs web-based fantasy game, runescape gold. Thanks to so many players jumping in, having fun, and telli..
RuneScape announces 2011 Jagex Cup
RuneScape has announced the 2010 Jagex Cup, an annual competition for clan members featuring both in-game and real-world prizes. The 2009 event drew more than 500 participating clans and 80,000 player..
Runescape Hallowe'en Event
Maggie, a travelling witch, has come to southern Asgarnia for the holiday festivities, but shes in a bit of a spot. She needs an enchanted broom to finish her potion but her ox has a cold and cant be ..
RuneScape: 15 October 2011 - PvP Worlds 2
* To get a reward from a kill, you also have to risk some items yourself!* To accumulate a possible reward, you have to risk a minimum of 75k of items on a members world, or a minimum of 25k of items ..
RuneScape: 15 October 2011 - PvP Worlds
PvP worlds have arrived! Are you ready to pit your combat skills against other players in the halls of the White Knights Castle? Are you prepared to fight to the death in the fields of Lumbridge? Well..
Train Magic in Runescape
Magic is a very talked about subject due to people wanting cheap ways to train it. This Runescapeguide is not only to show you cheap but decent ways to train it but also to make the most of those that..
Revenant Hunting - A Runescape Guide
Revenant hunting is the most dangerous free-to-play activity other than pvp in Runescape. It was put in the game when Jagex removed player killing in the wilderness to keep it a dangerous place. There..
Having Fun on Runescape
The best kind of fun is the kind that is unneeded tasks. This can be done on almost any game like in Simpsons: Hit and Run you can drive around kicking or running over random people. However, since Ru..
Runescape Dwarf Gang Information
When you talk Hammerspike Stoutbeard, they will dwarf all of Runescape 3 gang members attack you. If all three attacks in the same time, you can easily die. There are two ways to prevent this from hap..
Runescape Continuous Questers
Name: and oIFight Pursuit: Almost anything we can do, be appointed. Sometimes you can pursue: almost all the time soon, the schools end. Additional information: Have already almost any task, especiall..
Runescape Response Partners
Runescape Name: trueblade787 Partner to help you request: magnetofwar pursuit: Desert tresure ice drilling Sometimes you can pursue: electronic navigation chart database records through chat rooms. Ad..
Runescape Food Best Type
Must defeat the biology, you need food obviously. To be listed is best game food which 100 point player lives.1) Guthix rest tea: They are young in the big transaction cost, but the very few some peop..
Runescape Department of Defense
This was responded the Department of Defense biggest myodynamia on the Logdotzip thread, after suggesting, if you have not gone for everybody to read. In his position might find 20 pages +. He propose..
Runescape:Explanation F2P
What has been working with the occurrence of all these conspiracy theories, so please put it simply, keep in mind how it affects our and we colleagues F2Pers. In a side note you do not feel sad that t..
Runescape: Sarah Santa Claus Hat
Have noticed in the game was really rude and hostile to each other player in the past few weeks. Has been playing mainly because of free play the game the player for 5 years, had never seen this type ..
Angels Will to Fight in Runescape
Now you know what makes a ranter Jagex? Ministry of Defence Mark HP claim that they are men who want to see the world be destroyed, but he really made a mistake. If we want to see Jagex burn, we will ..
Runescape: Hiking Shoes Information
Even if he only alched them, he would sell at least 10 mil Jagex stupid. Jagex even recognize the Runescape player, there are 1000 + dual. Thats not updated in real time a minimum profit of 45 mil, if..
How Prestige Works in Runescape
The prestige number is the highest of two possible values (as shown in the rings party interface):Your current progress.Your previous progress. The higher this number is, the more prestige XP you will..
Runescape Crafting Information: Gold Jewelry and Necklaces
You can make rings, necklaces and amulets with gold. Usually, there is a gem too. Also, its normal to enchant the ring/necklace/amulet to give it special powers when worn. But you need to have added a..
Make The Items in Runescape
PotteryPots, Pie dishes, Bowls and Pot Lids can all be made in crafting. These items are used in the Cooking skill, and are made with clay. Clay is obtainable by Mining. Once you have obtained your cl..
RuneScape Fishing Guide
We will introduce a fishing guide for players. Fishing is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable skills in RuneScape. For one, it allows you to multitask, which is always a good thing. This guide will..
Runescape Strength Pure Training Areas Guide
First of all, welcome to THEpowerlevel. Here is a Runescape guide about Strength Pure Training Areas . I will be glade if it can help you in game. Of course, if you find mistakes or errors in this gui..
Runescape Guide for Crafting
Jewelry is a huge part of the Crafting Skill. Most of the things that are made in Jewelry section requires a cut gem of your choice, except silver items. You dont have to put a gem in the rings, neckl..
RuneScape HD Full Release, Now for Free Players
14 July 2008, RuneScape HD Full Release, Now for Free Players!If youre a free player, weve got some great news for you, RuneScape HD is available to everyone! The Beta period is over, so both free pla..
The Growing Runescape World Map
I recently came across an old Runescape site that contained what looks to be close to the original version of the Runescape World Map, and it just brought back a flood of memories, and reminded me jus..
Runescape developer Jagex working on new MMO
Runescape developer Jagex has revealed it is working on a brand new MMO due for launch in March 2009.The unnamed MMO was revealed by CEO Geoff Iddison during a panel discussion at todays GameHorizon C..
RuneScape n.1 most searched term in Canada
Yahoo!, a leading global Internet brand andone of the most trafficked Internet destinations worldwide, today announcedits 2008 Top Searches of the Year, naming Jagexs RuneScape as the fifthmost popula..
RuneScape PVP Review:Other features
By now, if youre still reading this review, I have hopefully taken you into a nostalgia whirlwind. Runescape was great, and it still is, however, if you are going to reactivate your members account th..
RuneScape PVP Review
Runescape is pretty much an obligatory game for anyone venturing the MMORPG universe. There are plenty of people who have started from Runescape and then expanded their horizons to many other MMORPGs...
More Than One Million RuneScape Players Vote To Bring Back Content
Jagex Games Studio, developer of RuneScape, today announced that the RuneScape community has voted overwhelmingly in favour of restoring the Wilderness and Free Trade to RuneScape. As a result of the ..
RuneScape Interview: The Dungeons of Daemonheim
RuneScape is a 3D browser-based MMORPG from British developers Jagex. Almost ten years since its original inception, we chat to the faces behind the game and discuss PvP, monster slaying, level caps a..
A (browser) Window To The World
RuneScape is a 3D browser-based MMORPG from British company Jagex. Released initially in January 2001, the game has received numerous accolades and currently holds a coveted Guinness World Record. Apr..
Something About Battlestaffs in Runescape
Runescape: Battlestaffs and Mystic BattlestaffsMaking Battlestaffs are a members-only feature, and Battlestaff can only be used by members.Battlestaffs gives unlimited runes of the one it is (eg. Fire..
Runescape: Floors and Complexity
Runescape: There is a total of 47 floors underneath Daemonheim. You can only access floors which are equal to half your dungeoneering level or less. Also, you must play through a floor to be able to a..
Runescape: Prestige and XP Calculation
You get dungeoneering XP after you beat the boss and exit through the ladder. There will be a summary screen which will show you how much XP you earned in that dungeon. The total XP you earn will be t..
Archive for the Runescape News Category
The Runescape season is upon us, and to celebrate we抮e presenting you with the result of your Guaranteed Content Christmas poll, in the form of this years?Christmas event. We抳e also got an appropria..
RuneScapeTips - Tip of the Week
Hello everyone,Im Runescape, I was around during the beginning days of RST, and left a while, getting busy with work, life, and college.For those of you who have been active the past few months, we th..
Having Fun on Runescape
The best kind of fun is the kind that is unneeded tasks. This can be done on almost any game like in Simpsons: Hit and Run you can drive around kicking or running over random people. However, since Ru..
Level Up from 1 to 99
Hereis about level up from 1 to 99 in the game Runescape.If you want to level up your game fast,you can buy Runescape gold,It is very useful to you.Non-Members Leveling Up1 - 20: To start fishing I su..
Level up in Runescape
Hello my friends! There are so many questions asked over and over again. Here our site has collected the correlative information about Runescape. Hope it can drive your attention.You must find out you..
How to Keep your Runescape Accounts Safe
We love Runescape. Its a great game and theres always so much to do. Previously, and in the future, well write about so many tips and tricks that youll be a world-wide renowned player if you follow th..
Runescape:Melee Weapons Guide
Here are the melee weapons in the world of runescape. The other weapons will come up later. If i miss anything, please tell me, thank you. (i know i did not add staff such as the obby maul because the..
Tips in Leveling Up in Runescape
Here are some tips on leveling your prayer, ranging and magic level in Runescape. There are some important facts that people dont realize. Here is my view on the subject.There are many different techn..
RuneScape Hand and the experience of making RuneScape gold
Well, with buckets, seaweed has also been, ghost towns is such a convenient place, you can burn the soil to make glass. If your hand has reached 46 RuneScape levels, and the magic you have more than 5..
Runescape:Price 50% drop! is cutting their cost,the price for RS gold is reducing now.Compared with the old price list, please look at the data below:For 10M goldBefore: 11.88 USD/10MCurrent: 6.25USD/10MFor ..
The Guide for Cooking in Runescape
Welcome to thersgold. We got the information in other site for Runescape players, hope it can help you more or less.With Lunar magic, it is become increasingly useful to make pies. Check the KB for ty..

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